Letter from Dr. Ghesmati

Washington, D.C. Dentist


It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to introduce myself and express my gratitude and excitement having the opportunity to provide care to you and your family.

While I am eager to meet you in person, please allow me to take this opportunity and let you know a bit about myself.

I have been practicing dentistry for more than 15 years, providing high quality dentistry for my patients. I am highly trained to perform complicated restorative and reconstructive dentistry, endodontics treatment and microsurgeries.

Before becoming a dentist, I was working as an engineer project manager. While the path of my life has not been so classic and cliché, with lots of highs and a few lows, each turn taught me more. As a native Iranian who was born in Germany and grew up in Canada and the USA, I learned how to cherish the best parts of each culture. Coming from a family where most members are medical doctors, I was the only engineer, and, if not, I wanted to become a chef!!! (Yes, I love food!).  One thing led to another, and I was exposed to the world of dentistry while managing a project as an engineer. It is so true when they say, “Life must be lived forward but can only be
understood backward”.

Being thrilled and proud in my profession as a dentist is an understatement.

I met Dr. Andrew Cobb 15 years ago and he became a role model to me! I am pleased and honored to be continuing his late father’s and his path and working alongside him.

I would be humbled to be given the opportunity to meet you in person.

Kind regards,

Azin Ghesmati, D.D.S.